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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 "Frederick Schaffer supported the English during the Revolution and with his brother Nicolas,
joined Butler's Rangers in 1778. He was in Col. Ten Broeck's company in the raid & massacre in the Wyoming
Valley of Pennsylvania in July, 1778. In 1780 Butler's Rangers swept thru the Schoharie & Mohawk Valleys.
Frederick was captured and held at Johnstown but escaped in October 1780 and made his way to Niagara. He was
discharged at Niagara January 1784 and returned to New York. He took his family to Canada in the fall of 1800."
(THE MOHAWK VALLEY STARINGS AND ALLIED FAMILIES, by Sterling O. Kimball, 1998) Martha Foland
says that he came back to the USA. He did, but according to the previous paragraph, "He took his family to Canada
in the fall of 1800." (And he was buried there.) 
Schaeffer, Frederick UE (I29702)
2 "Killed in Action"
During a raid on the enemy outposts and front line trench South East of Feuchy, he was instantly killed by an enemy high explosive shell.
--Canada War Graves Registers (Circumstances of Casualty) 
Druce, John Thomas (I13352)
3 "Killed in Action"
Whilst his Company was lying in support, East of the Scheldt Canal, vicinity of Iwuy, an enemy shell exploded directly in front of him, and he was instantly killed.
--Canada War Graves Registers (Circumstances of Casualty) 
Feely, Joseph Reilly (I17359)
4 "Mr. Thurston was a farmer, tanner and currier of the firm Thurston, Keith, Peck & Co., of Montpelier, Vt.; a town and school officer; nominated for the legislature by the Free Soil Party, but declined; a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; moved to Madison, thence to Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. During the War of the Rebellion he volunteered in the Wisconsin Regiment and received a lieutenant's commission, and afterward was in the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, in which he served nine months, contracted a disease of the lungs, was discharged, but lived only three days after reaching his home, dying April 9, 1863. He was a stern advocate of every good cause, and a successful business man. his widow resides with her son in Omaha." --Thurston Genealogies, 1635-1892, Pgs. 455-456 #6225 Biographical Sketch of Daniel Sylvester Thurston
Thurston, Daniel Sylvester (I05171)
5 #102 Ceylon Squadron (Tentate Et Pericite). Halifax aircraft # JN 909 was shot down at Saerbeck, Germany during operations against Berlin, Germany. Four crew members were killed, two were taken Prisoner of War and one was safe in neutral territory. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner McClay was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Saerbeck, exhumed and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery.  McClay, Murton Lawrence (I5816)
6 *Civil War Veteran
Thomas served as a Private with the 19 Michigan Infantry Company-F. He enlisted on September 11, 1862 and was discharged on July 1, 1863. 
Pennock, Thomas J. (I06683)
7 11-02-1885 Henry Churchill, son of the late William Churchill, and Brother of James Churchill, Covey Hill Quebec, died at Longue Pointe Asylum, Aged 39 years 02 months. --Gleaner Extracts Churchill, Henry Eldelbert (I11823)
8 1735 year of birth calculated from age at time of death. ''Return of men from Captain Drummond's company (Loyal Rangers)'' in the war office papers vol. 10 gives his year of birth as 1740, but age listed in these types of records is not always accurate

Soldier/Pvt., Loyal Rangers/Farmer 
Perry, William Nelson UE (I13278)
9 1796 - Loyalist oath of allegiance, with brother and father

Name: John Perry
Arrival Year: 1796
Arrival Place: Canada
Source Publication Code: 2060.17
Primary Immigrant: Perry, John
Annotation: Date and place of loyalist oath of allegiance. Extracted from RG1, L7, volume 52B District Loyalist Rolls and Others, located at the Manuscripts Division of the National Archives of Canada in Ottawa. File number, district name, township name, and index
Source Bibliography: FITZGERALD, E. KEITH. Ontario People: 1796-1803. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1993. 250p.
Page: 133

Farmer; General Drummer Boy during the war (according to son Jeremiah's bible notes) 
Perry, John UE (I912)
10 18 days old Hazelwood, Percy Leonard (I02923)
11 1841 Census of England - Incorrectly listed as Charlotte, which is her sister's name and recorded in same household. Hazelwood, Elizabeth (I2452)
12 1880 US Census incorrectly records her name as Jennie Clough, the family she was living with. Wise, Jennie Bell (I15386)
13 1900 US Census states Joseph Dodge as a widower, but no records have been found yet of a marriage. Dodge, Joseph (I23459)
14 1986-87 - Robert Hazelwood
9th Farfel Recipient, Department of Biology
Professor of Biology, Faculty Emeritus
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Robert Hazelwood was born in Oakland, California, and received his doctorate in comparative physiology from the University of California at Davis in 1958. He worked at both Boston University's School of Medicine and the University of California at San Francisco's School of Medicine before arriving at the University of Houston in 1963.
Dr. Hazelwood's research focused on certain aspects of diabetes. His research team at the University of Houston worked for a time in collaboration with the Kansas University Medical School, a joint effort that resulted in the discovery of a hitherto unknown hormone produced in the pancreas. Although Dr. Hazelwood is now retired, his influence is readily apparent in the work of his former graduate students, many of whom have attained top positions in industry and academic institutions. These graduate students, says Dr. Hazelwood, were one of the great pleasures of working at the University of Houston. While he misses teaching, he remains busy in retirement, traveling to Thailand during a part of each year as he has done for the last 14 years in order to teach at a medical school in Chiang Mai.
Dr. Hazelwood received many honors during his career at the University of Houston, but the Esther Farfel Award was especially meaningful, he explains, because "it rewarded excellent work not in just one aspect of academic life, but in all areas: teaching, research, and community service. Receiving the Farfel meant that I was not overspecialized in one area or another, but rather that I was a complete academician. In that sense, it is a very special award."
Hazelwood, Robert Leonard (I02059)
15 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I09318)
16 A falling limb from a tree - killed instantly. McIntyre, David Hill (I03220)
17 A happy event took place at the home of Mr. Jacob Price's on Wednesday at three o'clock p.m., when his daughter Mary (Price), was married to Mr. Thomas Fife, of McDonald's Corners. Rev. F. Miller performed the ceremony in the presence of about forty guests. The couple were ably assisted by the bride's sister, Marion, who wore a pretty dress of white muslin trimmed with valentine lace and insertion and Mr. Roy McDonald, nephew of the groom. The bride wore a handsome dress of cream eolinine trimmed with allover lace and silk insertion. Mr. and Mrs. Fife left next day for their farm home at McDonald's Corners, the bride travelling in a gown of grey cloth with allover lace waist over white silk. Price, Mary Ann (I02265)
18 A happy event took place at the home of Mr. Jacob Price's on Wednesday at three o'clock p.m., when his daughter Mary (Price), was married to Mr. Thomas Fife, of McDonald's Corners. Rev. F. Miller performed the ceremony in the presence of about forty guests. The couple were ably assisted by the bride's sister, Marion, who wore a pretty dress of white muslin trimmed with valentine lace and insertion and Mr. Roy McDonald, nephew of the groom. The bride wore a handsome dress of cream eolinine trimmed with allover lace and silk insertion. Mr. and Mrs. Fife left next day for their farm home at McDonald's Corners, the bride travelling in a gown of grey cloth with allover lace waist over white silk. Fife, Thomas (I02278)
19 A LLEN McNAUGHTON.— Obstacles are of no account to some men, they appear to move on easily whether difficulties beset their way or not. They pass from one kind of work to another so naturally that to an onlooker it seems easy. Such a man is Allan McNaughton, who was born in Ontario, Canada, June 3, 1852. In his early life he had few advantages ; he attended the public school and remained with his parents until 1871. At the age of eighteen years he began the study of telegraphy. In 1874 he immigrated to the United States, locating in Omaha, Neb., and accepted a position with the Mutual Life Insurance Company, which did not prove satisfactory ; he therefore identified himself with the Union Pacific Railroad Company and became agent for that road at Granite Canyon, where he stopped until 1879, a period of five years. In those days, 1876, the Indians were dangerous and aggressive. Mr. McNaughton adopted the wise precautions of his neighbors and always went to sleep with his rifle
close at hand, ready to defend himself in case of an attack. His next venture was a journey to
Dakota, where he served as constructive telegrapher for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railroad Company, also agent at Running Water on the Missouri.

From there he went to Sanborn, Iowa, in the interest of the same company, where he was soon
recognized as a leader by the Republican party and was elected mayor of Sanborn in 1885. He
served one year, resigned his position with the railroad company and again took up the insurance
business, locating at Sioux Falls, S. D., where he continued until 1894, when he came to Montana as agent for the Pacific Railroad Company at Blossburg. In 1895 he took up his present location at Elliston, Mont., and in December of that year, in company with C. S. Cornick and Elmer
Napp, undertook to develop a mining proposition. Having no capital, it proved slow work, but such
men do not lose courage. They persevere in the face of difficulties. In May, 1901, it became evident that the property was of sufficient value to incorporate, and in order to make it a success,
it was operated under corporate form. It is now known as the Beatrice Mining and Milling Com-
pany, of which D. G. Barringer, of St. Paul, is president ; C. S. Cornick, vice president ; Allan
McNaughton, secretary and treasurer; E. Napp, superintendent. The mine is very rich in gold, silver and copper. Mr. McNaughton is also interested in valuable copper mines in the Snowshoe
district. He is associated with the Masonic fraternity, being a member of the blue lodge. As
a citizen he has won the confidence of the business people in the community in which he lives ; those
who know him best trust him most. He is a kind, courteous gentleman, straightforward in all
his relations in life.

On December 25, 1873, Mr. McNaughton was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Ayerst, who
was born in Frontenac county, Ontario, Canada. Her father was a native of England, who immi-
grated to Canada, where he became a very successful farmer. He and his wife were members of
the Methodist church. They had five children who survive the parents, namely, Edward A., Sarah
J., Charles L., Mina and Charlotte A. The children are members of the Presbyterian church. In
politics he supported the conservative party, and was a Mason in the third degree. To Mr. McNaughton and his wife have been born three children, two of whom are living, Beatrice and Allan
E. The family are members of the Presbyterian church.

Mr. McNaughton is of European origin, his father being a native of Perthshire, Scotland, and
his mother of England. They immigrated to Ontario, Canada, and entered into agricultural pur-
suits which proved very successful. The father served as elder in the Scotch kirk of which the
mother was also a member. In politics he was identified with the Reform party. Eleven children were the issue of the marriage, four of whom have passed away, namely, John, Thomas, James
and ^largaret, the parents also having gone to the great beyond, the father dying at the venerable
age of seventy-nine, in the year 1879, and the mother in 1885. The surviving children are Alexander, Annie, Elgin, Mary, Kate, Sarah and Allan. 
McNaughton, Allen (I08652)
20 a mariner lost at sea in 1816 Grant, John (I6368)
21 A number of records indicate that Sylvia used her mother's maiden name, Rought, as her own maiden name. Pennock, Sylvia Almedia (I21850)
22 A payroll of Captain Dan Platt's Company of the 7th Regiment in the State of Connecticut commanded by William Worthington Esq. Liet. Col. who march in the Laram as far as New Haven on April 27th AD 1777. Entered Sarvis April 27th Sarvis 5 days.
List includes: David Beebe Pratt
--from "Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in the Revolution 1775-1783" -- Connecticut Historical Society 
Pratt, David Beebe (I07660)
23 A physician who moved to Canada about 1804 with other members of the family. Burtch, Jonathan (I20199)
24 A resident of Roxbury, Massachusetts, he came from England to New England in 1636 as an indentured servant. By 1648 he had a malt house and a kiln. He died in Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1684.

An indentured servitude is a form of labour, in which a person agrees to work for the employer without salary for a specific number of years, often as a way to pay the cost of transportation to colonies in the Americas. 
Wise, Joseph (I31665)
25 A very pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.V. Ling on Christmas evening, when their daughter, Miss Erma Belle Ling was united to marriage to Paul H. Walton, both of Saranac Lake. The ceremony took place in a beautifully decorated alcove, the decorations consisting in part of holly and mistletoe sent from Oregon by the groom’s brother. Miss May Ling, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Gaylord McClelland as best man. A large number of relatives and friends, several of whom were from out of town, were assembled to witness the ceremony, after which refreshments were served. Rev. F. T. Love officiated and Mrs. M. E. Taylor presided at the piano. After Jan 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Walton will be at home at 70 River Street. Many valuable and useful gifts were presented to the newly married couple.

Elizabethtown Post, Elizabethtown, Essex County
Thursday December 28, 1911
Walton, Paul Hugo (I00707)
26 Aaron was a Veteran of the War of 1812.

The Evidence shows Aaron was married three times.

His first marriage was to Anna "Nancy" Martyn, on 7 Jan 1794, she was born on 5 August 1772 very likely in Windham, Connecticut. She passed on 20 Jan 1804 In Williamstown Vermont. She was the daughter of Richard and Susannah A. (Low) Martyn and the sister of Aaron Smith Martyn who married Sally Martin , the sister of Aaron.

He married his second wife on 6 May 1804, she was Hanna Wise , born in 1781, in Conn. and died 19 Feb 1809 Williamstown Vermont. She was the sister of Sarah who wed Gurdon Martin, Aaron's Brother. Hanna and Aaron had three children.

On 5 Oct 1809, Aaron married his third wife, Polly Burnham, born on 3 Nov 1788 in Brookfield Vermont,, and died on 26 August 1864 in Williamstown Vermont. She was the daughter of Elijah and Albina (Bowen) Burnham of Ashford Connecticut which is near Hampton Connecticut. Elijah Burnham was a descent of John Burnham of Ipswich, Massachusetts was likely the first of the Burnham family to go to Hampton Conn. then on to Vermont. He was born in 1763, and died on 17 Feb 1813 in Brookfield Vermont. His wife , Albina was born in 1764, and died on 6 Nov 1830 in Brookfield Vermont. They were likely the parents of Ariel who was the father of Martin Pain Burnham, who married Ann Ellis , daughter of Hiram and Philenda ( Smith) Ellis of Williamstown and South Barre Vermont.

Aaron was likely the first of the Martin family to come from Windham, Connecticut to Williamstown, Vermont which he did in 1791. He remained one season to clear a small piece of land , build a log cabin, and then return on foot to Windham for his wife Anna. Though Anna spelled her last name with a "y", history tells us such distinctions meant nothing and she may have been a distant relative of Aaron's before marriage.

Aaron Martin had 14 children combined with all three of his wives. Five died in infancy. The others made it to adult hood and each had many children of their own, of which their off spring are living to this date ( 2013). The Martin's played a big role in the development of Williamstown Vermont and the surrounding area, many serving in public office as Judges, counsel members, Police, and doctors. Most early Martins were farmers in addition to public officials, and to this day many are farmers, while still serving their communities. 
Martin, Aaron J. (I15451)
27 Abbey Kent, Kent Cooper, Earl Thomas (I2825)
28 Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire Blair, James Calder (I4103)
29 About 1760, Jeremiah French Jr. and others formed a group called the Nine Partners - a land developing company. They purchased the original patents the King gave to about 61 of his buddies, and subdivided and sold them. Jeremiah Jr. surveyed much of the town of Manchester, Bennington County, Vermont, and was the first Town Clerk. He eventually moved to Manchester.
Jeremiah French Jr, was a Loyalist and a Captain in the Queen's Loyal Rangers, then later a Lt. in the Royal Regiment of New York, (called the "Yorkers"). He forfeited much of his lands in Vermont and moved to Cornwall, Ontario where he became a very prominent citizen and was the area's first representative to Parliament in Ottawa. His house was actually moved from land now submerged to make way for the St. Lawrence Seaway Project in the 1950's, which he had sold to a son-in-law, George Robertson. That house is still standing at Upper Canada Villages, near Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. The house is called the "Robertson House?. Prior to this house, Jeremiah lived at the 1811 House in Manchester Village, Vermont.
--from the research of Mara French, Sutter Creek, California
French, Jeremiah (I29928)
30 Accidental death - Killed by train Britton, Harry George (I10754)
31 Accidental discharge of a '25' rifle. Byers, Russell Osborne (I00818)
32 Accidental drowning in Ottawa river directly opposite Rockland. Slipped into the water while throwing peebles from the bank. Smith, Gladys Doreen (I20746)
33 Accidental gun shot wound of chest and spinal cord. Leroy, Jacob Duncan Stanley (I05936)
34 Accidental gunshot Tolles, Otto (I21529)
35 Accidental gunshot wound in the neck Smith, Archie Arlington (I00980)
36 Accidental gunshot wound. Pennock, Claude Carson (I21856)
37 Accidental hemorrhage on brain from being knocked down by a motor car on 9-2-20. Hagger, Sydney George (I30207)
38 Accidental; fell from wagon. King, Ernest Albert (I16959)
39 Accidentally drowned instantaneously Scott, Elizabeth Ellen (I12657)
40 Acute Appendicitis  Fontaine, Ada (I4102)
41 Acute appendicitis and influenza Connaughton, Evelyn Anita (I18518)
42 Acute Bright's Disease McClelland, Robert Gordon (I30320)
43 Acute bronchitis  Fuller, Patricia Lynn (I3843)
44 Acute Catarrhal Laryngitis Stewart, Brenda Thurber (I23432)
45 Acute delirious mania Stewart, James (I02585)
46 Acute dysentery  Godfrey, Flossie May (I13920)
47 Acute endocarditis Pigman, William Arnold (I21467)
48 Acute nasopharyngitis lobar pneumonia Devlin, William Barry Roy (I13115)
49 Acute nephritis Piché, Gaynoll Myrna (I01714)
50 Acute pancreatitis. Cochrane, Laura Margaret (I03348)

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